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Don’t Fool Yourself About Estate Planning: Myth vs. Reality


I Don’t Have Enough. Many people believe Estate Planning is only for the wealthy. Some people don’t need an Estate Plan, but many people do and just don’t realize it. Do you have minor children? Do you have life insurance? Do you own your home? Have you started saving some money? You don’t need hundreds of thousands of dollars to benefit yourself, your spouse, and your children by having an Estate Plan. With the proper combination of a Will and a Trust, you can significantly protect your family after you die.


Estate Planning is Expensive. While some lawyers charge $5,000 or more for an Estate Plan, I have found that 99% of clients are well under that expense. A proper Estate Plan is cheaper than opening a Probate Estate, avoids the cost and time-delay of Probate, and achieves better results. Planning ahead to protect your family is not expensive, and has a dramatic impact on the lives of your loved ones.


I’ll Get to it Later. Many people think that Estate Planning is only for “older” people, and they are too young to worry about make their plan. Unfortunately, most people know someone who has died far too young. But taking steps while you are young can also avoid issues later in life, and position yourself for to meet the challenges ahead instead of playing catch-up. Its not just about unexpected deaths either. There are many pitfalls in life, and you cannot safeguard your assets after something bad has happened.


If I’m Dead, Why Should I Care? An Estate Plan isn’t just about planning for your death and what your family will face once you are gone. Proper planning includes your health care decisions while you are incapacitated, suffering from dementia, or are facing end-of-life decisions. Use of a Trust can also protect your assets while you are alive.


Lawyers Are Expensive and Online Services Make More Sense. Doing it yourself is a great idea for some things, especially when you don’t need to be exact. Making mistakes in your Estate Plan can have devastating results for your family. We have seen many Wills and Trusts done by people (even some other lawyers) who didn’t know the pitfalls and mistakes to watch out for. Some mistakes completely wiped out the inheritance for the children. Other mistakes gave large life insurance payouts intended to compensate a close friend for being the guardian of a deceased parent, even though the friend was never appointed as the guardian. When you are dealing with your life savings, have a simple conversation to know if you are on the right track.


Whether you have a special needs child, are single, own your business, or are a couple who wants to protect their family, Polcyn McHugh Law can guide you through the process, help you understand the choices involved, and meet your needs.


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